
The Global Source for Quality Research in Media, Entertainment & Telecommunications

Wilkofsky Gruen Associates Inc.



W&G has available for sale the following publications and monographs. 

bulletMedia and Entertainment Industry Trends and Forecasts
bulletMedia and Entertainment Company Financial Data
bulletMedia and Entertainment Industry Transactions
bulletTelecommunications Industry Market Review and Forecast
bulletThe Interactive Television Study
bulletElectronic Messaging Market Review and Forecast
bulletConstruction Industry Forecast
bulletSatellite Radio: A Competitive Analysis
bulletInteractivity and the Information Highway
bulletThe Impact of Monopoly Newspapers on Consumer Welfare
bulletTrends in Syndicated Program Prices
bulletSyndication 1995
bulletTelevision 1995: The Future of the Television Industry
bulletVideo 1995 Update: An Analysis of the Home Video Industry
bulletVideo 1995: Prerecorded Programming, VCR Hardware and the Home
bulletEntertainment Revolution
bulletGlobal Media and Global Marketing: The Case for Advertising

For further information on any of these publications including purchases please contact Wilkofsky Gruen Associates by telephone or by send e-mail to Arthur@WilkofskyGruen.com


Send mail to Arthur@wilkofskygruen.com with questions or comments about this web site.

Wilkofsky Gruen Associates

14 Penn Plaza at 225 West 34th Street, Suite 1014
New York, NY 10122
Phone:    212-279-4600
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