Theatrical File Industry |
Theatrical Research |
Number of Screens |
Revenues per Screen |
Number of Admissions |
Average Ticket Price |
Box Office Spending |
Average Negative Cost |
Advertising Cost of Movies |
of New Releases |
Major Studios |
Other |
Number of Productions by
Studio |
Number of Wide Release
Films |
Average Number of Screens
at Peak for Wide Release Films |
Admissions Per Capita |
Admissions Per Screen |
Number of Screens Per
Million People |
Box Office Spending Per
Screen |
Admissions Per Capita by
Age Group |
Revenues |
Domestic Theatrical
Rentals |
Foreign Theatrical
Rentals |
Revenues Generated from
Domestic Home Video |
Sell-Through |
Rental |
Revenues Generated from
Foreign Home Video |
Generated from Domestic Television |
Pay Cable |
Basic Cable |
Broadcast Networks |
Television Stations |
Pay Per View |
Revenues Generated from
Foreign Television |
Merchandising |
Movie Revenues from All
Sources |
Films and Studios |
Domestic Box Office |
International Box Office |
Domestic Market Share |
International Market
Share |
Negative Costs |
P&A |
Domestic Home Video
Revenue |
Domestic VHS Revenue |
Domestic DVD Revenue |
Domestic VHS Unit Sales |
Domestic VHS Rental Turns |
Domestic DVD Unit Sales |
Domestic DVD Rental Turns |
Domestic VHS Unit Shipments |
Domestic DVD Unit Shipments |
Domestic Direct-to-Video Unit Shipments |
Domestic Direct-to-Video Revenues |
Domestic Network TV
Revenue |
Domestic Pay-Per-View
Revenue |
Domestic Pay Cable
Revenue |
Domestic Basic Cable
Revenue |
Domestic Syndication
Revenue |
International Home Video
Revenue |
International Pay TV
Revenue |
International Broadcast
TV Revenue |
Data by Genre |
Data by Negative Cost |
Data by Major Studio |
Data by Independent
Distributor |
Television Program
Production |
Prime Time Network Television |
First-Run Syndication |
Off-Network Syndication |
Original Movies |
Revenues Generated in Domestic Markets |
Revenues Generated in Foreign Markets |