
The Global Source for Quality Research in Media, Entertainment & Telecommunications

Wilkofsky Gruen Associates Inc.

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Media & Telecomm
Litigation Proceedings
Business Planning
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Wilkofsky Gruen Associates is an internationally known consultancy that specializes in the media, entertainment and telecommunications industries. The firm's principals are economists, mathematicians and former CBS research executives with extensive experience in the dynamics and performance of all communication markets. The firm provides custom research, analysis, and forecasts for domestic and overseas markets in each of the following areas:

Television and Radio Broadcasting Advertising
Cable Television Promotion
Motion Pictures The Internet & Interactivity
Newspapers Satellite Communications
Magazines Emerging Media
Book Publishing New Technologies
Yellow Pages Standard & Wireless Telephony
Recorded Music Telecom Services
Home Video Telecom Equipment
Business Information Leisure & Recreation

Our publications include the annual "Global Media & Entertainment Outlook" for PricewaterhouseCoopers, and the annual Veronis Suhler Communications Industry Forecast reports from 1988 through 1999. Since 1997, we also prepare the annual Market Review & Forecast on the telecommunications market for the MultiMedia Telecommunications Association and the Telecommunications Industry Association. 

The firm maintains extensive databases on domestic and foreign media and telecommunications markets. Many of the databases are unique and proprietary to the firm. Please see the Directory of Data for further detail.

Additional industries the firm follows for its clients include all consumer services, durables and nondurables. The firm also prepares and evaluates business plans for media and telecommunications companies. The business plans are used to facilitate the raising of equity capital.

Some detail regarding specific services:

Media, Entertainment & Telecommunications Economics
Litigation Proceedings
Business Planning and Finanical Services
Other Analyses and Services


Send mail to Arthur@wilkofskygruen.com with questions or comments about this web site.

Wilkofsky Gruen Associates

14 Penn Plaza at 225 West 34th Street, Suite 1014
New York, NY 10122
Phone:    212-279-4600
Fax:        212-279-4601