Click here to refer
to the Directory of Data which specifies the range and depth of
information that we can provide for the TIS subscribers.
WGA proprietary and third party data
includes, but is not limited to, the following: media market data for
radio and television broadcasting, cable networks and all types of pay
cable, newspapers (daily and weekly), magazines (business and consumer),
all interactive media, the Internet, new and emerging media, all filmed
entertainment, recorded music, book publishing, all business information
services, all advertising and promotion services, and all categories of
telecommunications services and equipment.
We also have proprietary and third
party data on national and regional economies, as well as industry
information, including, but not limited to, paper, chemicals,
automobiles & trucks, retail & wholesale trade, construction,
construction equipment, and the consulting industry
Our data reflect domestic and
international historical and forecast information.
A monthly rate and the length of the
subscription determine our fee for the TIS.